Governor Brown recently signed a bill expanding sexual harassment training requirements in California. SB 1343 places new mandates on small businesses in California to train employees about sexual harassment, a requirement that had previously only applied to employers...
Major news outlets like Time Magazine and the Chicago Tribune have recently reported that one of the fall outs of the recent sexual harassment scandals is that many companies have decided to forego their annual holiday parties. At the very least, some companies are...
They say “40 is the new 30,” and in the U.S. labor market that appears to be the trend. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2024, the median age of the labor force will be 42.4, up from 37.7 in 1994. [Link] Yet under California’s Fair Employment and...
Whose Email Is It Anyway? A Recent Decision By The National Labor Relations Board Creates A Presumption Allowing Employees To Use The Employer’s Email System On Non-Working Time To Communicate With Other Employees About The Terms And Conditions Of Their...
The California Supreme Court recently issued an opinion limiting the remedies available to undocumented workers under The Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Government Code section 12940 et seq., (“FEHA”). In Salas v. Sierra Chemical Co., the plaintiff...