Last month, the appellate court in Garcia v. Border Transportation Group, LLC reached an important decision that could give employers some much-needed insight into distinctions between independent contractors and employees. Earlier this year, in late April, the...
On April 30th, the California Supreme Court ruled in Dynamex Operations West v. Superior Court that a new, tougher legal standard will now apply to determining whether California workers are employees or independent contractors. Dynamex is a nationwide same-day...
The Supreme Court of the United States recently ruled in favor of employers in upholding class action waivers contained in arbitration agreements. In Epic Systems v. Lewis, the Supreme Court held that employers can require employees to arbitrate disputes with the...
On March 22, 2018, a groundbreaking bill was proposed in New York that prohibits employers from requiring employees to access work-related electronic communications outside of work hours. A similar law exists in France, but no other American city has enacted such a...
A Whistle Upon Deaf Ears: Changes to Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protections On Wednesday, February 21st, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that individuals who report allegations of corporate wrongdoing must do so to the Securities and Exchange Commission, not...